The reality shows of pain

“Infotainment” is an English neologism that has institutionalized the sensationalization of drama along with invasive and disrespectful journalism, leading to a decline in the quality of information content. It’s the reality of pain, torment transformed into entertainment stories for an audience always attracted to sensational news, other people’s tragedies, and, I emphasize, the tragedies of others. The influential French philosopher Bourdieu once remarked that “Blood, sex, melodrama, and crime have always been big sellers.”

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The dark side of consumerism: planned obsolescence

Planned obsolescence is a policy of designing or planning a product with a limited useful life or a purposely frail design, so that it becomes obsolete after a certain pre-determined period of time upon which it decrementally functions or suddenly ceases to function, or might be perceived as unfashionable. The rationale behind this strategy is to generate long-term sales volume by reducing the time between repeat purchases (referred to as “shortening the replacement cycle”) .

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Il consumismo e le conseguenze globali

Il consumismo spesso promuove la ricerca di felicità e soddisfazione attraverso il possesso di beni materiali. Questa enfasi sulla proprietà e sull’accumulo di beni può portare a una cultura di superficialità, nella quale il valore delle persone è perlopiù misurato dal loro status materiale. Come conseguenza porta alla depersonalizzazione delle relazioni umane producendo divisioni sociali e senso di ingiustizia.

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